Planning Services

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Planning Services

Planning Services

Poole Anderson Construction not only builds projects but we own and/or develop building projects. As such, we understand first hand that capital projects are an investment; often made after an extensive prioritization process, and sometimes, at the expense of other building projects. Consequently, we encourage clients to carefully plan for the investment to ensure a good return on that investment.

Benefits of Planning

  • Defines needs
  • Refines needs vs wants
  • Establishes a budget
  • Clarifies expectations
  • Assesses current conditions
  • Necessitates business planning and growth potential

To assist clients with planning for wise investments, Poole Anderson offers the following services, either in-house or through a strategic partnership:

  • Feasibility Studies
  • Facility Assessments
  • Campus Master Plans
  • Fundraising/Capital campaign support
  • Grant writing
  • State & Federal Grant Compliance
  • Site Selection
  • Due Diligence

Our 90+ years of experience means we have seen and done a lot but good planning is the best way we know to prepare for the unexpected and avoid unwanted surprises during project design and construction.

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